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Claim Notification

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Claim Notification

Please contact us to make an insurance claim notification. Our team will work to ensure that you receive the maximum payout that you are entitled to.

Here to Help You

Please fill out the form on this page to make a claim notification so we can start your insurance claim. Our team will be in contact with you as soon as possible.


Ph: 08 6383 2000


Level 1, 1209 Hay St,
West Perth WA 6005

    Claim Notification

    Fill in the form below to make a claim

    Yes, please contact me about my claim.

    Claims at LML Insurance Group

    Events such as car accident, legal issues, injury, theft, damage or something else can make a claim process stressful for both you and the other party involved. LML Insurance group aims to make the claim process have the least possible disruption to your business with the best possible outcome.

    For an accident or a traumatic event it is important to remain honest but not to admit liability as your perspective of events may be subjective.

    For motor vehicle accidents the police must be notified where:

    • the incident resulted in bodily harm to a person; or
    • the total value of property damaged to all involved parties exceeds $3000; or
    • the owner or representative of the damaged property isn’t present.

    Contact LML Insurance Group as soon as possible. Call our brokers during our open hours between Monday to Friday 8:30am to 5:00pm.

    In the event of an emergency, outside office hours, contact Bryan on 0497 946 200 or Kirstin on 0434 320 006.

    Reduce possibility of further damage, one example is for glass breakages to ensure that the area is secure to prevent any more damage to other people or propriety.

    It is important to get in contact with LML Insurance Group brokers to notify them of your claim either by telephone, e-mail or using the form on this page.